Fall Staycation


Fall came and she went. In Tennessee, we’re lucky if we get a full 2 weeks of autumn so we gotta take advantage of it while it lasts, yeah? We’re using the word “staycation” pretty loosely as I still indeed had to go to work so technically this wasn’t a staycation... more of an adult sleepover which hey, I’ll take it. I would’ve absolutely loved to turn off my phone, be with nature, and truly relax however November is an extremely busy time where I work and taking off any more days wasn’t gonna happen (I already had my fun with Italy, Maine, and a couple other quick trips in between). However! My best friend and stellar photographer Abby Benton of Love You Oh So shot photos of my holiday cards at this Airbnb cabin so I decided to make a thing of it and have pals come and stay too. Who says you can’t have a midweek sleepover?!

The Airbnb of choice was truly amazing. The trick was finding something that wasn’t too far so I could still drive to work in downtown Nashville and also not break the bank. Blake’s place was the perfect retreat. Comfortable beds, awesome kitchen, and those windows…


For me, traveling has always been a source of self-care. It’s time away from my normal environment to get a change of scenery, disconnect, and experience something new. But it’s not my only source of self-care. Above all, I feel so much more grounded when I’m with my people (could you tell from this entire website that I’m an extrovert?). Even though I was still working on this “staycation” I was still able to have sweet moments with my friends. As this year is coming to a close, I’m reflecting on a few instances where I got away with my pals and was able to laugh, relax, have meaningful conversations, and not have any agenda. The Getaway cabin in April, two beach trips (one in Santa Rosa and the other in Alys Beach), and this most recent cabin trip. I’m normally a planner when it comes to traveling and I like to keep a balance of relaxing and activities, but these in particular were specifically designed with zip, zero activities and just be.


I hope this coming year I implement more time to get away and unplug. My job as a social media manager requires me to be connected and in organizational, planning mode so I look forward to trips where it’s not necessary for me to be on my phone. Besides being unplugged, I hope I utilize that time to be with people that make my soul feel good. I hope the same for you, too. There seems to be a multitude of things learned over the chaos of the last few years in our world and to me, community and connection has such a heavier meaning now. My mind and heart craves it in such a different way and whether I’m traveling away or not far from home, I want to create more opportunities to nurture that. And I count myself extremely lucky to have so many good-for-the-soul friends in my world that value the same. I encourage everyone who reads this to pick a couple weekends throughout the next year to find true rest. And that rest can mean with people or alone. It could mean reading an entire book or finishing that tv series or meditating or sleeping in. It could be an Airbnb in the town / city you live in or a road trip. Anything that will push you sit and breathe and truly value what’s most important to you. Opportunities like that rarely come naturally, so plan ahead & enjoy your rest!

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.”

-Tim Cahill


Travel Year in Review: 2022


Portland + Acadia National Park